Quantum Change Kinesiology

Quantum understanding of the mind and body relationship through kinesiology


What are you Waiting for?! – A QCK session exploring Deeper patterns behind weight gain


What could gaining weight show you about who you are in your mind?

In a recent session, the client’s issue was that she had been experiencing sudden increase in her appetite and weight. She was wondering what mental and/or emotional factor may be contributing to this change.

Weight can be genetically determined however it can also be an indicator of patterns you are living in your mind.

With this client for example, the session showed her how the sudden fluctuation in her weight was related to a mental/emotional issue which she had been participating in on a subconscious level. Weight related issues can sometimes show us in a very physically embodied way how we are ‘waiting’ within ourselves. Waiting to change things we know we need or want to change, waiting for ourselves to move or take steps in a specific direction. We give our power away to the mind’s reality of thoughts, emotions, memories and exist in a state of ‘waiting’ rather than making decisions and moving ourselves in our actual reality.

She was for example waiting for herself to create and live specific expressions and experiences she had come to associate with a memory of a particular place and people. Instead of finding and creating those expressions and experiences in her current life, she was holding onto the memory and in a way wanting to go back to it. She was giving more power, value and importance to the memory in her mind than to who, where and how she is in her life and reality currently.

This session was an example of how subtly the mind can sabotage you in living your potential. The client in this example only became aware of how she was holding back her potential to live those experiences and expressions she had been looking for when the mind pattern opened up during the QCK session.

In a session the QCK Practitioner takes the issue you are facing in your life, such as weight gain for example, and uses muscle testing as a biofeedback technique to trace and map out the contributing mental/emotional/spiritual patterns which you are living on various levels of awareness to guide you on your process of healing.

Discover your power and potential for self-change and -creation through self-awareness with Quantum Change Kinesiology. Book your session today!



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Which unconscious patterns are you living?

I worked with a client recently who came to me with an abdominal pain issue. As we work with the mind through the body in a QCK session, we uncovered the internal pattern embodied and shown through the external/physical issue of the abdominal pain.

Interestingly enough, the pattern brought to the surface for the client to become aware of was an unconscious genetically transferred ‘fear of God’. This was interesting because this client did not experience or define themselves as ‘religious’ in any way. On a conscious mind level of awareness and in their self-definition they could not relate to what came forward in the session initially.

However when we then had a look at how this unconscious pattern was coming through and playing out in her day-to-day living, it became clear how this ‘fear of god’ was in fact very much present. She never realized that on deeper levels she lived in fear of God because she had never questioned the real unconscious motivations behind how she expressed and experienced herself on a conscious level.

She never realized that her experience of nervousness around people and her tendency to easily feel judged and judge herself was related to a deeper programming she had unconsciously copied from previous generations, the fear of God.


In many sessions this type of deeper unconscious programming opens up and often gives an entirely different perspective on what a client is facing within themselves. These unconscious patterns are rarely seen yet form the very driving force behind things we do, experience and face in every moment. It is through understanding our unconscious driving forces, that we can start manifesting change in those personality and behavioral patterns we live from day to day, such as self-judgment or feeling nervous around people.

QCK offers a great and unique way to get to know the depths of your mind more intimately and gives you the guidance you need to transcend and change through the path of understanding and awareness.

Are you curious to learn more about which unconscious patterns you might be living?

Schedule a QCK session and gift yourself the opportunity to get to know yourself in profound and unexpected ways!


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The Power of Living Words – The QCK Files


‘Living Words’ is a solution which oftentimes tests out in my sessions with clients. How Living Words are a solution is from the perspective that when it comes to our mind and all the experiences we face in ourselves and our life, we are already ‘living words’. Have a look at how everything from your actions, to your reactions, experiences, self-image and how you perceive the world around you is all coming from and based on the ‘words’ which exist in your mind as your thoughts. Even when you can’t pinpoint any conscious streams of thought, you’ll find that you’re always in some way embodying certain words in terms of how you’re experiencing and expressing yourself.

For example in a moment when you typically feel anxious, you are embodying and living the word ‘anxious’, along with the thoughts, belief systems and internal conversations connected to the anxiety – all of which are also words which you live within yourself.

The ‘solution’ as living words is when you take ‘directive charge’ of the words you are going to live in moments. The moment when you go into anxiety would be a moment wherein you are allowing your mind to take directive charge over you, deciding who you are, how you experience yourself and which words you are living in that moment. We tend to allow our mind to do this because generally speaking we’ve never learned or realized that we have that ability to decide for ourselves who we are and will be in our life.

Although this concept of living words may sound simplistic and may sound similar to ‘positive affirmations’, which is where you say statements like ‘I am intelligent’, ‘I am beautiful’ or ‘I accept myself’ in hopes of integrating those statements through speaking them, it’s important to understand that the process of truly integrating and living a word to the point where it actually becomes a living embodiment of who you are requires a slightly more expanded application in order to be effective.

In my QCK sessions I support you with the steps that are necessary to truly integrate living words. These steps are:

  1. Developing awareness and understanding of the mind. Before you can change an issue, there needs to be a certain level of understanding and awareness of how it exists. QCK identifies and maps out, through ‘reading’ your mind and body relationship, which dimensions of your mind are relevant for you to understand and become aware of to establish a foundation for self-change.
  2. Finding the relevant corrective words. The understanding and awareness of your issue will lay the foundation and open the door for you to more easily see how and why living specific words is the solution to changing the issue. I assist you to find these words during the session.
  3. Real-time application. When you have found your living words, the next step is to integrate them into real-time everyday moments. This is a very important part of the process of self-change, wherein I as the QCK practitioner stand as a point of support and cross-reference as you walk your journey of practicing and living the words that tested out in your life.

In a QCK session you are guided through every step of this process. This is the proven method to make self-change real.




Find more information on the process of living words at SOUL (School of Ultimate Living).